Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia - Online version e-ISSN: 1678-2674

Instructions to authors

Scope and policy

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original papers on basic and applied research in surgery, and biomedical sciences, new surgical techniques, surgical education, advances in biomedicine and scientific communication, which is relevant to surgical practice and teaching.

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira meets the standards of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE ), the Committee on Publication Ethics ( COPE), the Council of Science Editors ( CSE), and the World Association of Medical Editors ( WAME).

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira is registered in PubMed/MEDLINE , JCR Science Edition, PubMed Central , SCOPUS, Directory of Open Access Journals , and SciELO. It also complies with funding agencies policies that require deposition of the published articles they finance into overtly databases. Articles become freely accessible as soon as they are published.

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira has rule, norm, standard and style must be fulfilled. Authors must follow the Instructions available from Please, review accurately the manuscript before submitting for publication, otherwise, the manuscript will be unsubmitted to you by the Editorial Office, during the preliminary evaluation. All articles are checked through Crossref – Similarity Check to ensure originality. Acceptance will be based on originality, relevance and scientific contribution. Articles with merely advertising or commercial purposes will not be accepted. Articles should be submitted only in English, using simple and accurate language and avoiding the informality of colloquialism. Only manuscripts whose data are not being evaluated by other journals and/or not previously published will be considered for evaluation.

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira adopts the continuous publication mode for articles in monthly editions.

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira accepts manuscripts already published in preprint, considered reliable by the editorial committee, and must be informed in the Open Science Compliance Form that must be submitted as a supplementary file to the Manuscript.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting of Research, Authorship and Contributorship, and International Clinical Trial Registration . For Brazilian Clinical trials visit . The research in laboratory animals must be submitted to the Ethical Committee of the Institution (case number) in accord with Brazilian law and the Council for International Organization of Medical Sciences- CIOMS .

The Journal adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). As per these guidelines, failure to adhere to the conditions outlined within will result in the editor publishing an appropriate correction, a statement of retraction, or enacting a withdrawal of the article. It should pay attention to plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication, data fabrication and falsification, corrections and retractions.

The research on human subjects must be submitted to the Ethical Committee of the Institution (case number) in accord with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 as revised in 2013 ( World Medical Association ) and Brazilian National Health Council Resolution 466/2012 . Manuscripts should be accompanied by a statement that the research was conducted with the informed and appropriate consent of each participant. Written consent must be obtained from the patient (legal guardian or executor, if appropriate) for the publication of any detail or photograph that may identify an individual.

The research in laboratory animals must be submitted to the Ethical Committee of the Institution (case number) in accord with Brazilian law and the Council for International Organization of Medical Sciences- CIOMS .

The Journal reserves the right not to accept an article on the grounds that appropriate ethical or experimental standards have not been reached.

Editorial review and processing

Manuscripts submitted by authors to the Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira will be initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, regarding the scope, standards, and similarity index.

In this phase, the manuscript may be rejected or returned to the author for adjustments. If the manuscript is in accordance with the rules, it will be forwarded to the Associate Editor, who shall designate the peer-reviewers (single-blinded) for evaluation of the scientific content.

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira is committed to the open science initiatives and will progressively offer the open review option, opening the identities of authors and peer reviewers, according to the use of the Open Science Compliance Form that must be submitted as a supplementary file to the manuscript.
The Associate Editor communicates to the Editor-in-Chief for the final decision.

The process can be followed by the author in the management system. All accepted manuscript will be edit by our publishing team to fit format of the journal. Authors should revise carefully the final version of the manuscript before approve, because it will be not possible to alter/include or exclude authors after publication. After authors’ approval, the manuscript will be published. The manuscript should be reviewed by experts in scientific English prior to submission. All approved manuscripts will receive a final professional English revision provided by the Journal.

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira considers all article participants as authors. Authors are considered those who have effective intellectual and scientific contribution to the work. It is not the role of the editor, arbitrate conflicts related to authorship. The lead author is responsible for the integrity of the article as a whole, not necessarily be the first author, however must be the corresponding author. The Journal does not accept undergraduate and graduate as lead authors. The lead author takes responsibility for the effective participation of each author and the agreement with the content of the article. Participants who had purely technical activity (surgery, literature review, department heads, services or funded) should be listed in the acknowledgements.

Research Data and other Materials Availability: The manuscripts of the articles must cite all other content underlying the text in order to facilitate and promote understanding of the research, its peer review, reproducibility, reuse, preservation and visibility.

Therefore, before or in parallel with the submission of manuscripts, authors must make available the underlying content in a data repository or in more than one in the case of different types of files and content. Authors can choose to keep these files closed until the article is approved and published. They may also request to keep them closed after publication for reasons that the journal may or may not accept.

Alternatively, authors may declare that data will be available from the corresponding author upon request or make then available in the supplementary material of this manuscript.
If data sharing is not applicable to the article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study, it must be stated.
Research data includes, but is not limited to: raw data, processed data, software, algorithms, protocols, methods, materials. Visit to help identify registered and certified data repositories relevant to subject area. Otherwise, you may use your institutional repository.
The author responsible for the submission must inform whether the manuscript cites the data, software codes and other materials underlying the articles. If so, the respective URLs must be informed; otherwise, the author must justify himself. For this, SciELO recommends the use of the Open Science Compliance Form that must be submitted as a supplementary file to the manuscript and accessible to peer reviewers.

The initial manuscript evaluations and later that of the associate editors and referees are requested to check the availability of data, software codes and other materials following the journal’s evaluation guide and form.

Publication types

The journal accepts research articles, preferably on experimental surgery, clinical research and review requested by the Editorial Board. Systematic review and meta-analysis focusing on surgical topics of current interest will be considered for publication. All contents published on Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira are under license from Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ( CC-BY 4.0 ).


Experimental Research : It should follow theAnimal Research Reporting of in Vivo Experimental (ARRIVE) guideline , that allows the planning of animal experiments, ensuring a robust design of the study and reliable and reproducible results.


Clinical Research: Depend on the type of the study, the authors need to follow the relevant EQUATOR Network reporting guidelines. For instance, Randomized controlled trials should include a Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials ( CONSORT) showing the number of participants in each intervention group, as well as a detailed description of how many patients were excluded at each step of the data analysis. All clinical trials must be recorded and made available on an open-access website. The trial protocol (including the complete statistical analysis plan) should be submitted with the manuscript. The clinical trial must be registered in a WHO-approved public trials registry platform at or before the time of first patient enrolment. The trial registry name and URL, and the registration number must be included in the submission document.


Review Article: Systematic methods and explicit criteria to identify, select, and critically evaluate relevant research. This category includes Systematic Review with and without meta-analyzes. Protocols of systematic reviews should be registered withPROSPERO , or made available on an open access site. Systematic reviews should be reported in accordance with PRISMA guidelines , and should include the flow chart as a figure and the checklist as supplementary material.


Presentation of the manuscripts


The Main document in the electronic system must contain title abstract and the manuscript.


Title page, figures with legends, and tables with title should be uploaded in the specific file.


Title Page


  • The title of the article should be concise but informative.
  • Full name of all authors with the sequence number superscript indicating below the highest academic degree of each author, including institutional affiliation (division/department and university).
  • Open Researcher and Contributor ID – ORCID of all authors.
  • Author’s contribution: Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira endorses the ICMJE guideline for authorship that should be based on the following 4 criteria:

    Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; ANDFinal approval of the version to be published; AND
    Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

    In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.
    The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that contributions of all authors are correct, and it is expected that all authors will have reviewed, discussed and agreed to their individual contributions as shared by the submitting author.


Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira stimulate to consider acknowledgment for contributors that does’ not fit all those criteria.


Authorship Changes: Any addition, deletion or reorganization of author names in the authorship list should be done only prior to acceptance of the manuscript and only if approved by the Journal Editor. To request such change, the Editor must receive the following email from the corresponding author: (a) the reason for the change in the author list and (b) written confirmation (email, letter) from all authors that they have agree to the addition, removal or reorganization. In the case of adding or removing authors, this includes confirmation of the author being added or removed. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Editor consider adding, deleting, or rearranging authors after acceptance of the manuscript. While the Editor considers the request, the publication of the manuscript will be suspended. If the manuscript has already been published in an online edition, any requests will be accepted.


Main Document


  • Must contain title of the article;
  • Abstract: Must not exceed 250 words and should be presented in a structured format:
    • Purpose: clear, precise and concise, without comment.
    • Methods: sample and procedures.
    • Results: main findings with specified data and statistical significance.
    • Conclusion: clear, precise and concise, answering the purpose, without comment.
    • Key words: should be provided 3 to 6 terms based on Medical Subject Headings – Mesh . Terms that are not part of MeSH impede the location of the article.
  • Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the study and give only pertinent citations, and do not review the subject extensively. Authors should be presented in lowercase or simply cited by superscript numbers, without the year article.
  • Methods: Ethical information should be included here. The sample (quantity and quality) and procedures in sufficient detail should be included to allow other researchers to replicate the results. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dosage(s), and route(s) of administration. Do not use patient’s names, initials, or hospital numbers. Describe statistical methods with detail and provide references to established procedures. Main author is responsible for the accuracy of the data including all statistical calculations.
  • Results: In the text, emphasize the important findings. Include the statistical significance.
    • Tables : are open and numbered in sequence (use arabic numerals), and supply a brief title for each at the top. Use only approved abbreviations. Explain in footnotes all non-standards abbreviations that are used in each table. Must be without vertical lines.
    • Figures (illustrations, photos, photomicrographs, and graphics): must be with good quality. Digital files are recommended to have 350 dpi or higher, and TIFF or JPEG (editable formats).
    • Do not repeat in the text all the data in tables and figures. Figures should also be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The legends must be in the bottom of the figure.
  • Discussion: Emphasize the new and important aspect of the study. Compare the method and the results with those formerly published. Do not repeat results.


  • Conclusion: It should be clear and concise and answer the purpose of the study. Avoid repeat data and comments.
  • Funding: The financial support received for the elaboration of the manuscript must be declared in this item. The funding agency should be written out in full, followed by the Funder registry DOI and the grant number. Multiple grant numbers of same agency or multiple agencies should also be informed. If the research is not funded by a specific project grant include this information: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
  • Acknowledgements: Recognize those who contributed to the work, but without holding the characteristics of authors.
  • References
    • References should be updated, select and use the most important relevant research published in peer-reviewed journal;
    • The rules of Vancouver ( must be followed. In addition, include doi;
    • The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in MEDLINE/PubMed;
    • References should be numbered consecutively in the order they were first mentioned in the text;
    • It should be included the names of all authors (et al. is not accepted);
    • References to abstracts are not accepted, personal communication or any other non-indexed source (text books and thesis).


  • Correspondence author: Full name, phone number and e-mail address
  • Declaration


Conflict of interest: Visit to obtain the form.


At the end of the manuscript, mentioning the venue of the research: laboratory, research center, school, department and institution. If it is a thesis or part of the thesis, it should be informed the name of the Tutor and the Post Graduate Program.


  • Home Institution/Laboratory


Article Processing Charge

In order to participate in publication costs, International Authors have a charge of US$ 1,500.00 and Brazilian Authors R$ 1.500,00 for each accepted manuscript.

Online Submission

The articles should be sent through the electronic management system at: .


Further information or questions please contact the editorial office: