Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia - Online version e-ISSN: 1678-2674





On September 17, 1987, at 8:30 pm at the “Leitão da Cunha” theater of the Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM). Panel Members: Prof. Dr. Nader Wafae, Director of the Escola Paulista de Medicina – President of the Board; Dr. Fernando Mauro Pires Rocha Filho, Secretary of Hygiene and Health of the Municipality of São Paulo; Dr. Lauro Ferraz, City Councilor of São Paulo; Dr. Cleber Neves, Medical Lieutenant Colonel, Director of the São Paulo General Hospital, President of the São Paulo Regional of the Brazilian Association of Military Medicine; Prof. Dr. Wilson Modesto Pollara, Elected President of the International College of Surgeons; Dr. Nuncio Vicente de Chiara, President of the São Paulo Regional of the Brazilian Society of Pediatric Surgery (Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Pediátrica); SOBRADPEC was installed and the first Board of Directors was sworn in. State Deputy Israel Zekcer forwarded Request n.3.344 of 1987 to the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo:

“I request, under the regimental terms, a vote of congratulations with the Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia, for its installation. I also request that the decision of this Egregious House of Laws be informed to the Board of Directors of the Entity through its President, Dr. Saul Goldenberg, located at Rua Botucatu, 740, CEP 04023, São Paulo-SP.

Prof. Dr. Waldemar Kogos, Master of Ceremonies at the ceremony, and Prof. Dr. Saul Goldenberg.


Aiming at more promising horizons, greater aggregation of the scientific community and seeking advances and improvements in the field of research in surgery, the medical class will celebrate the installation of the Brazilian Society for the Development of Research in Surgery, on the 17th, at 8:30 pm. The important event I was honored to be invited to will take place in the “Leitão da Cunha” theater of the Escola Paulista de Medicina in this Capital. To compose the Entity’s governing body, people linked to the scientific community, endowed with the highest skills, were chosen.

Because of the above, it is fair that this Egregious House of Laws pays its tribute to the Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia for its installation and choice of its governing body.

a) Israel Zekcer – State Representative.


Mr. Director of EPM

Ladies, gentlemen, and colleagues


What is the reason for yet another Scientific Society if so many already exist and are effectively operative? Societies bring together specialists from each medical field, some old and traditional, others newer. I believe that the same spirit that motivated the organization of these Societies indeed guided the organization of ours. And how did it start?

A group of Professors of Medicine and some young people interested in teaching and research decided to join a Postgraduate Course in Operative Technique and Experimental Surgery at the master’s and doctoral levels here at EPM. This happened in March 1982. The main objective of the Course was fulfilled and is being fulfilled, which is the formation of qualified and competent Professors and Researchers, not only for the Institution itself but above all for other University Institutions that lack Titled Professors and mainly RESEARCHERS. The exercise of RESEARCH increased coexistence and showed the solidarity of interests. This solidarity did not disappear with the acquisition of credits and titles. The union and common end, which had the exact origin, should continue. The first link was the advent of the journal ACTA CIRÚRGICA BRASILEIRA, with the definite purpose of being an efficient vehicle for postgraduate scientific production. In 1996, the four published issues represented the Postgraduate Course in Operative Technique and Experimental Surgery at EPM, receiving research from other Institutions. We received support from CNPq and FIPEC, strong support that dignified the scientific content and the graphic standard consistent with the level of the journal. Only a year later, it was observed that the journal, in addition to constituting a means of scientific communication, brought the idea of ​​GATHERING in its wake. The target was achieved. The immediate consequence was forming a Society whose spirit and common interests are cultivating the ideal of research and its development, adapting to the socio-economic and political reality of the Country.

The Society’s Goals are well defined:

1. To increase the union between those who have the ideal of exercising research;

2. To stimulate the progress and improvement of scientific research;

3. To discuss and disseminate new knowledge;

4. To promote the exchange of information with similar National and Foreign Institutions;

5. To edit the journal ACTA CIRÚRGICA BRASILEIRA.

Most often, doctors dedicate themselves to their professional development, seeking to become increasingly capable and efficient to satisfactorily fulfill the main function that society expects of them: to be a good professional who knows how to treat and, if possible, cure their patient. This is why medicine is healing.

However, small, experimental research makes it possible to contribute to resolving doubts, which are still so numerous. In general, it is from this group of researchers, clinical and experimental, that those who are also dedicated to didactic activity come out… not a repetitive teacher, but speculative, creative and researcher, prepared to stimulate the formation in the new generations of a mentality focused on scientific development, transmitting not only knowledge but their enthusiasm, the sacred flame that they feel lit inside. SOBRADPEC brings together professionals with the same objective, that is, who wish to maintain their professional practice, teaching and research in parallel. The common purpose of this communion is to bring together those who have this triple role, sharing their anxieties and difficulties, looking for solutions to their problems and helping them to obtain the necessary resources for the progress of their work, many of which are the result of a lot of creativity. Congresses, seminars and meetings will be important. However, the fundamental thing is to share the benefits that may result from the communion provided by the Society and apply them to benefit the community in general.

Before concluding, there is a duty of gratitude: to Prof. Nader Wafae-Director of EPM, for the constant support and encouragement and the facilities provided for the installation of this session.

To all, thank you very much for your affectionate solidarity.